Don't let the pretty logo and eye pleasing layout fool you,I only spent a short time browsing through the message boards and I was really dissapointed with how personal some of the comments were.It's fine to not like someone or their blog,and it's OK to give someone constructive and non offensive criticism,but it is not acceptable to make derogatory comments about weight,appearance and upbringing whilst photo shopping and sharing photos and videos of bloggers. Admittedly,there are areas of this site where people can talk about bloggers they do like in the "adored bloggers" section,and people who disagree with the website can say so over at the "Gurus Against Guru Gossip" board,but for every 1% of positivity and kindness it seems like the other 99% is pure bullying.
I just don't like the idea of a "gossip" site.It conjures up images of mean girls from school who sit around the table and discuss who they're hating today,except that most people on here seem to be adults and should definitely know better,although of course bullying isn't acceptable at any age.There are some people who would say "I can say what I want,it's a free country" or "it's not bullying",well to the first statement I'd say that although you can't censor the Internet or what people say,that doesn't mean that people should be posting inflammatory comments and using degrading language.Just because you can doesn't mean you should!
According to bullying is;
Unwanted aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.The behavior is repeated or has the potential to be repeated over time".
That definitely goes on at Guru Gossip.Whether you say something online or in person,it still has the power to greatly affect that person's self esteem and mood,and people should hold themselves accountable for what they say.People start up blogs for all kinds of reasons,and the variety is what keeps the community alive and interesting,who are the people over at Guru Gossip to say what people should do with their time,money and bodies?
If you've managed to get through this then you're a star,I just really needed to get this off my chest.Everyone who I've met online through blogging has been awesome and writing has really enriched my life and helped me gain more confidence! People need to remember that you don't have to bring someone else down to build yourself up.
/ end rant
Have you ever had a look at some of these "gossip" sites? Did it surprise you?
*If you enjoy connecting with me and reading my posts,I would really appreciate any nominations for "Best Newcomer" in the Cosmo Blog Awards with Next *
*If you enjoy connecting with me and reading my posts,I would really appreciate any nominations for "Best Newcomer" in the Cosmo Blog Awards with Next *