I can't believe that I've been married to the love of my life for 5 months now,that time definitely seems to have flown by! We were talking about where we'd like to go for my birthday and our 1st year wedding anniversary (Paris perhaps-eek!) and that got me thinking that I'd love to share our special day with you all.It was so surreal and I was so incredibly anxious,but my advice is to just breathe and enjoy it! It always seems so much more nerve wracking before you do it,but it's a fantastic feeling to realise that you're now part of a fantastic team for life.So here we go,here is all of the FAQ that I've got from our wedding day.Be ready for lots of pictures.
How long had you been in a relationship/engaged before you got married?
We started a relationship on November 21st 2010
We got engaged on November 22nd 2011 (my 20th birthday)
We became Husband and Wife on 23rd November 2013
I think there must be something about November for us! We had been together for 3 years from the start of the relationship to marriage,and I think that was a great amount of time to get to know each other and our strengths and weaknesses.We definitely bring the best out in each other.
Where and when did you get married?
We got married at 2pm in our village church on 23rd November 2013.It had so much significance to me as so many members of my family have been married here.We had quite a few meetings with the vicar before the ceremony so that we could discuss exactly what we wanted.We couldn't have wished for a more intimate and personal service.We had around 50 people attend the service and an extra few in the evening.
Did you decide on a theme?
I must have changed my mind a billion times! I scoured through so many wedding forums and magazines looking for the perfect colour scheme and it was really stressful! After much thought,we decided on a blue and white Winter wonderland theme,this was perfect for us as we are both extremely pale and much prefer the Winter when you can stay in with a warm cup of tea.Our wedding was full of fairy lights,deep midnight blues and sparkle.It's the only day that I get to wear a big white dress and overdo the glitter so I made the most of it!
What about your hair and make up?
Luckily,my Cousin is studying hair and make up at college and needed someone to practice on! She was so understanding and couldn't do enough for me.After hours of sitting in my Grandparent's kitchen testing out foundations and rollers,we decided upon a simple smokey eye and loose curls.The added bonus was that all of the make up she had was perfect for photographs and professional work,so it lasted all day! I loved having her do my hair and make up because I really trusted her to do a good job,and it meant more having someone I care about help me out.

Who did you pick to be your bridesmaids?
I chose my cousin (2nd left) and my now Sister-in law (1st right) and then my other two little Sister-in-laws (Far left & right) This was a great set up actually because there were two older teenagers to look after the children,but they were all so wonderful! They helped me to lift up my dress when I needed it and even helped me to the bathroom (so glamourous!).As my husbands Dad and his wife live hundreds of miles away,I didn't see the younger girl's outfits until the day,but didn't they do a fantastic job! To save any confusion,both of my husbands parents have remarried so there is children on both sides.
Who gave you away?
I had the honour of being given away by my wonderful Granddad.I was bought up without a Dad and and I'm an only child,so I spent a lot of time over my Grandparent's house growing up,as they only lived over the road.I completely worshipped the ground my Granddad walked on (and still do) and he couldn't have done a better job at being a fantastic role model.He's an incredibly anxious and private person,but it made me so happy to see him so proud,and he even gave a speech which turned me into a blubbering wreck.
Where did you have the reception?
We had the reception at our local golf and country club that were able to offer us a really budget friendly package.We wanted the evening to be a mix of more formal traditions with a laid back feel,so we decided to put on a 3 course meal with drinks on their arrival and then bacon baps in the evening! Everyone was already really full from the roast with all the trimmings,so that went down really well. Entertainment wise we went for a good old fashion disco complete with classics like "YMCA" and "oops upside your head".To get everyone on the floor,hubby's Uncle who is a musician led some
Ceilidh dancing which really got people chatting and having fun! I made sure to join in,but I had one of my bridesmaids follow me around to make sure I didn't fall.
What was your First Dance song?
I had already chosen the day we got engaged! It was always going to be Wonderwall by Oasis.As I've mentioned before
here,I've known hubby since we were teenagers and I spent most of those years trying to impress him.He would always put this on the jukebox at the local pub and forever since it always reminded me of him.I couldn't believe that I was actually dancing with him as Husband and Wife.The lyrics certainly rang true,"I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now".We had so much fun singing the lyrics amongst the camera flashes and weepy relatives.
What type of cake did you have?
We had a traditional 3 tiered iced cake that was made by my lovely Great Auntie.We decided upon vanilla sponge because we're not great fans of fruit cake,but the top tier was fruit.This is because traditionally,the top tier is sometimes kept for the christening of the first child and I didn't want a mouldy sponge cake sat in the cupboard.It was decorated with some beautiful icing snowflakes and wrapped up in blue ribbons with a little Bride and Groom on top.It fit in with our theme wonderfully!
Were your flowers real?
No they weren't,I can get really bad hay fever so I thought that it would be much better to save my eyes for the emotions.Also,the cost of fresh flowers can really mount up,especially as it was Winter and a lot of flowers would be out of season.My Auntie who is very handy with crafts offered to make it for me,so we went along to a few shops that sell craft supplies like Dunelm Mill and Hobby craft and collected diamante pins and beautiful roses to make this really budget friendly bouquet.
I've really enjoyed sharing this with you and it's been so fun to relive all of these wonderful memories.I love reading about people's engagement and wedding stories,so it's been different to write about it from the other side.It's was a pretty intense day filled with lots of memories,so if I've missed anything that you'd like to know,just ask and I'd be happy to do a part two!
Did you/do you have a theme if you're getting/ already married?
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